19 Des 2011

Your Friend is only A Human

Making friends should be easy,
What makes it hard is Expectation,
Stop blaming your friend for your forgetfulness for something,
He's not agent of chance, 
He's not kind of organizer that will remind you all the time.
He's not your underwear which accompany you all the time.
He's not your mother, whom words you should hear every time.
And don't get angry if sometimes he can't stay next to you in your hard time,
Your friend is only a human,
Let me repeat : He's ONLY A HUMAN.
Handle them with love and care [as long as you can],
and let Allah give it back to you.


18 Des 2011


Pergi ke Bali sendiri, mungkin ini adalah jarak tempuh terjauh yang pernah saya lalui sendiri, dan masih berharap bisa menempuh jarak yang lebih jauh lagi.

The most important trip you may take in life is meeting people halfway 

~Henry Boye

saya nggak pernah berfikir kalau solo traveling itu ternyata bisa sangat menyenangkan.pertamanya sih agak-agak takut soalnya kan dimana-mana pada kasus apapun, bersama itu selalu lebih aman daripada sendiri, (note: statement ini tidak termasuk bersama copet, penjahat, atau mahluk halus jenis apapun). tapi ternyata saya salah, pengalaman ke Bali kemarin justru memberikan perspektiv baru pada saya tenang bagaimana menghadapi kesendirian.

Jangan percaya sama lagu Homogenic yang judulnya happy without you, yang disalah satu liriknya ada kata kata:
 ...maybe I must admit that i'm happy being alone..
well that's [probably] the biggest lie i'd love to sing the most ahahaha. seriously nobody love's to be alone! nah begitu pula ketika saya ber solo travel. Karena saya benci sendiri, dan saya benci rencana saya gagal cuman karena ga ada temen yang mau, dan saya juga benci karena tiket yang udah dibeli ga mungkin dibalikin lagi. maka mau tidak mau, saya harus cari jalan tengah untuk supaya gimana caranya saya ga nonton konser sendirian, ga jalan-jalan di Bali sendirian, dan tapi saya ga punya teman yang bisa menemani semua rencana gila saya. akhirnya mau nggak mau saya harus: Cari teman baru.

12 Des 2011

Something about us

song by : Daft Punk

It might not be the right time
I might not be the right one
But there's something about us I want to say
Cause there's something between us anyway

I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you

I n e e d y o u m o r e t h a n a n y t h i n g i n m y l i f e
I w a n t y o u m o r e t h a n a n y t h i n g i n m y l i f e
I ' l l m i s s y o u m o r e t h a n a n y o n e i n m y l i f e
I l o v e y o u m o r e t h a n a n y o n e i n m y l i f e

miss you E!

6 Des 2011


Ada ribuan kilometer jarak yang akan ditempuh,
dan jutaan momen yang mungkin akan meninggalkan setitik warna pada selembar kanvas yang sudah setengah penuh,
ada harga yang harus dibayar untuk sebuah cerita yang mungkin di mata mereka hanya sebuah letupan hura-hura sementara.

tak mengapa. 
karena hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk sekedar peduli pada mereka yang tidak cukup peduli.

Ada sebuah pesan kecil yang cukup mengganggu yang harus segera disampaikan pada pemiliknya.
sebuah pesan kecil yang menentukan pintu mana yang akan terbuka untuk petualangan selanjutnya.
Aku menunggu Agustus untuk satu pesan kecil yang membebaskan segalanya.
Dengan hanya segumpal keberanian yang aku punya,
Akan aku sampaikan padanya,

Sebuah pesan kecil yang tak kupeduli apa jawabannya.

gambar dari sini

5 Des 2011


Semuanya berawal dari DVD bajakan cina konser Jason Mraz yang saya beli tanpa sengaja di Ciwalk. gara-gara itu saya jadi terobsesi mau nonton konser Jason Mraz. dan waktu ada announcement bahwa dia akan konser di Bali langsunglah tanpa berfikir panjang lagi saya mencari kawan untuk nonton dan pas kebetulan ada yang minat, tanpa pikir 3 kali lagi langsunglah saya beli tiketnya.

You Are Loved !! kata Jason Mraz

Semua orang bilang saya cukup gila pergi ke Bali 3 hari cuman untuk nonton konser. ya memang agak gila. tapi kalau saya pikir-pikir lagi pasti saya nggak akan jadi nonton konser itu. :P

Preparing and Packing

Tiket yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan lagi. bagi saya yang kere dan sakau liburan ini, dibelinya tiket adalah simbol kebulatan tekad. Karena itu di Bali, jadi, mau nggak mau saya harus beli tiket pesawat. sebenernya kalau mau naik bus juga bisa, tapi waktu itu, waktu yang tersedia adalah cuman sedikit, jadinya terpaksa naik pesawat. dan karena pesawat belinya online, jadilah saya juga terpaksa bikin ATM yang bisa e-banking *gaya bener* :)) dan akhirnya sekarang saya punya ATM (lagi).

Tiket Ekonomi promo air asia. selain di geser di delay pula
Bagaimana dengan hotel?! tentu saja harus di cari. karena nggak mungkin saya tidur di masjid. nyari masjid aja susah di bali apalagi numpang tidur :)). dari nyari di Agoda sampai ikutan couchsurfing saya kerjain. ada beberapa lokasi daerah jimbaran dan kuta yang memberikan harga yang sesuai dengan budget. bahkan dari couchsurfing pun saya bisa nyari host sebenernnya, tapi saya pikir, terlalu awal untuk nyari host di couchsurfing, takut ada apa-apa. akhirnya di forum itu saya cuman nanya lokasi yang oke sama beberapa rekomendasi tempat yang cukup dekat ke daerah Nusa Dua (tempat diselenggarakannya konser). karena nggak cukup yakin akhirnya saya nanya sama teman kuliah saya yang orang bali. ehhh beruntungnya, dia malah nawarin untuk nginep rumahnya, padahal dia lagi nggak ada di Bali. wah alhamdulilah banget yah sesuatu.. duit hotel bisa dipake buat beli oleh-oleh :)) akhirnya masalah hotel bereslah sudah. 

mendekati hari-H saya packing, dengan modal ransel bodypack 45 liter. saya coba memasukan keperluan untuk travel selama 3 hari. karena saya terbatasi oleh batas minimum bagasi yang hanya boleh 7 kilo. saya harus bisa milih pakaian yang nggak terlalu makan tempat. dan berhubung saya pake jilbab mau ga mau bawaannya pasti lebih berat lagi, saya ga bisa cuman pake tanktop sama celana pendek toh?? akhirnya saya pilih baju yang bisa di padu padan dan warna kerudung yang netral yang bisa di padu padan tapi gak norak : hitam, abu-abu, coklat. 1. celana panjang, jaket jeans, 2 kaos lengan pendek, 2 kaos lengan panjang, satu celana tidur, dan seperangkat pakaian dalam. segitu aja udah ngabisin sekitar 6 kilo, sisanya alat perang : sunblock, shampoo, sabun, sikat gigi. sedikit makanan dan sudah. barang barang krusial seperti, tiket pesawat, tiket konser, HP. dompet. semua disimpan di satu tas. uang persediaan sengaja dibagi 2: di atm kakak, sama di atm saya biar kalo ada 'apa-apa' masi punya simpenan :P

semua udah siap. tinggal berangkat besok.. doa saya sederhana:
Bismillahhirahmanirahhim , semoga semuanya lancar besok :)

berikut ini adalah backup plan saya untuk menghandle worst case scenario.

1. selalu sedia uang kecil dari serebuan sampai minimal 10 ribu.
2. selalu catat alamat hotel dan semua nomor telepon penting,  di notebook, sebagai backup kalo-kalo ditengah jalan, batrei hp kalian habis dan nggak nemu tempat buat ngecarge hp.
3. selalu print peta lokasi yang di tuju. meskipun hari ini ada google map. nggak ada yang tau kalo-kalo dijalan hp kamu ilang atau habis baterei.
4. jangan menaruh uang di satu lokasi. kalo kemaren saya bagi-bagi di dompet yang di tas kecil, di dalam back pack, disela-sela baju, dsb.
5. jangan tanya-tanya sama orang nggak dikenal. maksudnya pilih-pilih lah orang yang hendak kita tanyai ketika tersesat. kalau tidak meyakinkan sebaiknya cari satpam, polisi, dsb. jangan pasang wajah bingung karena akan mengundang orang jahat untuk beraksi *stay cool and calm lah pokoknya*


27 Nov 2011

I love captain Archibald Haddock!

when he said:

Failed?!. There are plenty of others willing to call you a failure. A fool. A loser. Don't you ever say it of yourself. You send out the wrong signal, that is what people pick up. Don't you understand?
You care about something, you fight for it. You hit a wall, you push through it. 
There's something you need to know about failure, Tintin.
You can never let it defeat you. 

17 Okt 2011

Kartu Kredit

suatu hari di ruang makan

" 12 juta Bun?? kok bisa sampai banyak gitu sih?, makanya Bunda tuh jangan boros-boros, segala yang nggak penting di beli, kartu kredit itu kan bunganya gede Bun.." Kaka - anak pertama bunda- masih tidak habis fikir dengan kenyataan tentang Bundanya yang ternyata memiliki banyak hutang dibank.

11 Okt 2011

Hari yang sempurna

Haid Hari ke-3

Pagi-pagi kena diare

nyampe kantor kutek berantakan

Hasil model masih under predicted,

Pembimbing dua-duanya pergi ke Belanda, formulir surat rekomendasi minta di tanda tangan!

masih diare

Scanan paspor ga ketemu.

sakit kepala

Pulang kehujanan

sampe rumah komputer rusak!

deadline 20 hari lagi.

*masih sakit kepala*


 dalam hati: even madonna ever had her own bad day
*menyemangati diri sendiri*

Partner in Crime

ini waktu kapan ya? oh ya! waktu bersenang-senang! :D

6 Okt 2011

Antara Coastal Engineering atau Water Resource Engineering

alkisah dua manusia dengan idealisme setinggi langit yang sedang dilanda kegalauan tingkat dewa melakukan pembicaraan tentang kelanjutan studi mereka yang belum jelas unjungnya..

5 Okt 2011

complain 1.

Jadi ceritanya gw lagi bête.. jadi nggak mau nulis pake bahasa inggris!.  Postingan kali ini gw akan complain! Total complain! Jadi kalo kalian lagi bad mood sebaiknya skip aja tulisan ini. I mean it!

Complain gw  yang pertama adalah tentang: Bahasa.
Kenapa sih gw lahir di Indonesia?! Yang bahasanya mesti Indonesia?! Dan Indonesia kenapa sih mesti pake bahasa Indonesia?! Sedangkan semua textbook pelajaran gw semuanya bahasa inggris?! Ini mempersulit hidup beneran deh!! Udah mah pelajarannya susah.. ditambah kendala bahasa lagi! Pantes aja orang Indonesia banyak yang bodo! Orang jepang pinter pinter karena mereka tau bahasa mereka lebih sulit dari bahasa manapun di dunia seorang anak di jepang harus bisa menghafalkan sampai 1945 huruf kanji, dan mengingat banyaknya huruf yang harus dihafalkan maka pemerintah jepang membantu dengan membuat versi terjemahan semua textbook itu kedalam bahasa jepang. Lah bagaimana dengan pemerintah kita? jangankan melakukan terjemahan kedalam bahasa indonesia menuntaskan buta huruf aja susah banget.

Jadi inget cerita seorang teman dari belanda tentang Babel Tower. cerita ini diambil dari buku kitab genesis milik umat kristian. oke oke gw tau gw muslim, tapi ya udah lah it's just a story anyway.. nggak tau bener nggak tau nggak, tapi yang jelas cerita itu dan pengalaman gw saat ini, membuat gw merasa bahwa indonesia kena hukuman paling sial dari cerita ini.

singkat kata cerita babel tower ini mengisakhan tentang keangkuhan manusia yang akhirnya dikasi hukuman sama tuhan. ceritanya dimulai dengan awal mula kehidupan manusia di bumi yang berasal dari satu sumber yaitu Adam dan Hawa, idealnya, kalau manusia yang ada di seluruh dunia ini adalah bernenek dan kakek satu, kakek adam dan nenek hawa, maka bahasa yang digunakan anak cucu mereka juga harusnya satu aja dong. Lah tapi pada kenyataannya, di bumi ini mungkin ada lebih dari 300 jenis bahasa yang belum ditambah dengan jumlah bahasa di masing-masing daerah yang lebih kecil . nah jadi.. (muter muter) menurut  cerita babel tower ini juga, dulunya bahasa manusia yang ada di bumi ini ya cuman satu. nah ceritanya manusia-manusia yang dulu tersebar di berbagai penjuru dunia itu bertemu di satu tempat datar yang kalo ga salah namanya adalah land of shinar, di sini anak cucu keturunan nabi nuh yang selamat dari banjir bandang takut akan bercerai berai lagi, maka dari itu ditanah shinar itu mereka berencana untuk bikin sebuah kota dengan menara di tengahnya 

The babel tower

so what's the freakin problem of building A tower anyway?! jadi katanya tujuan awal dari pembuatan tower bible ini adalah untuk mendekatkan si manusia-manusia ini dengan tuhan dan mengindari kekhawatiran mereka dari terpecah belah dan tersebar di seluruh muka bumi. namun seiring dengan berjalannya waktu *halah!*, ambisi manusia-manusia ini berubah. dengan angkuhnya mereka ingin membuat menara yang puncaknya di surga, sehingga (katanya lagi) kalau pun mereka mau, mereka bisa nembak matahari dari puncak si menara babel ini atau bahkan bertemu dengan tuhan. tujuan awal untuk memberikan penghormatan pada tuhan berujung pada tujuan serakah manusia yang ingin berbagi kekuatan dengan tuhan, Sang Tuhan marah dong.. akhirnya orang -orang dari kota ini disebar lagi ke seluruh dunia lalu mereka diberi bahasa yang beda-beda! supaya diantara orang-orang ini ga ada lagi yang ngerti satu sama lain.

balik lagi ke statement terakhir dari paragraf ketiga, kenapa gw bilang indonesia paling sial?
1. karena bahasa indonesia tidak memiliki pola baku atas kalimat-kalimatnya. sehingga relativ sulit untuk mempelajari bahasa asing dengan pola bahasa indonesia. sedangkan beberapa bahasa internasional lainnya umumnya memiliki struktur dan pola yang hampir mirip. bahasa kita agak mirip sih dengan bahasa melayu. tapi melayu gitu?! siapa yang pake bahasa melayu?! cuman malaysia mungkin.. dan di malaysia ada apa?! orang malaysia aja belanjanya kepasar baru  (<--ini murni sentimen pribadi.. no offense :P).

2. Nobody use indonesian language internationally!. lihatlah china! invansi ekonominya yang gila-gilaan bikin bahasa cina (mandarin) jadi salah satu bahasa internasional yang wajib dipakai!. indonesia? dudududu... 8|

Complain gw selanjutnya adalah tentang: Kerjaan orang ilmu ukur bumi.

gw bete.. se bete-betenya! sama orang orang ilmu ukur bumi yang bikin peta! mereka terlalu kreativ ato gimana ya?! kok bisa bikin peta referensi nya beda-beda caranya beda-beda padahal yang di petain itu satu bumi! sumprit dah! kalo mau metain bumi sama bulan referensinya beda boleh lah.. ya ini satu-bumi dibikin beda-beda.. kalo satu peta referensinya beda-beda kan yang make jadi bingung.. mesti di convert dulu lah, di koreksi lagi.. kenapa mereka ga kompak aja sih?! pake satu aja gitu WGS 1984 atau UTM.. udah beres!

kenapa peta-peta lama yang masi pake sistem Bessel atau yang lain-lainnya nggak di convert aja jadi satu peta yang sama.. kenapa pemerintah?! kenapa wahai pembuat peta?! tolong lah bantu kami yang memakai jasa anda! kami jadi harus ngerti juga perihal pemetaan dan tetek bengeknya yang notabenenya adalah kerjaan anda. model laut juga meskipun beda-beda dasarnya tetep sama = kontinyitas dan gerak! itu tok! palingan kalo mau kreatip ada tambah-tambah dikit sama hubungan laut atmosfir udah! itu aja udah ribet.. kami mohon lah orang-orang ilmu ukur bumi! kompaklah!!! pilih salah satu georeferensi yang fix.. biar kerjaan kami nggak nambah lagi *heu*

4 Okt 2011

#2. The randomenss of the TV show

its been a week since i state to keep writing something in english everyday.. but it seems like its not working well since i've been busy doing other things in here and everywhere. haha.. anyway.. what i want to say ya??
Ehmmm many things actually but most of it is not important, and not interesting. anyway if we looked at the first line of this paragraph, it also not important anyway haha.

Okey then, today i'd like to share my other randomness about tv show. yes. if you read my previous post, you should have known about my other randomness by joining people from downstairs of my office to have an audition for a tv show quiz named : Super deal 2 Milyar 

errrr... i dont think that they really have that 2 milyar :))

A week ago they called us to do live shooting of the quiz and without any longer thinking we decided to come. and enjoy the randomness :)). i didn't expect to be chosen in the game, my personal purpose only: wanna know how it goes and escape from the office at office hour.  :))

so we started from the office at 11 in the morning and arrived in studio at 3. it was 2 hours earlier from the show actually. there are 120 more participant that involves in the show complete with their unusual costume etc. I see they are totally into the prize, there are people who wearing fairy costume, a bride costume, super hero, etc. just like Halloween, but worst.. because some people looks like they are so 'maksa'  and indeed they have to be 'maksa'. me myself, i only wearing read tshirt, and a red veil cover my face with scarf and a glasses just to make a 'niat' effect :))

at 6.30 we are all guided to the studio,  and the crew are place us in one kind of amphitheater and after all the participant are on the amphitheater the ask us to... dance! -____-" yeah its dancing beyb!! about 15 minutes they forced us to dance with different type of music. they said it was somekind of 'talent search', the crazy you dance, or your costume, or your moves or whatever (there's no specific criteria anyway) then the more they choose you. so if you see at the show (on tv), when the presenter choose someone randomly, actually, its not that random, because he already chose before the show begin.

the role of the quiz itself is not that interesting, i mean.. it's totally gambling, first after they choose you, they will give you a gift which contain are unknown, and you can trade it with several other gift which also unknown until the last turn you got to trade or keep your unknown chosen prize. you don't have to be a smart-ass to win the prize, you just need to cut your shy-neuron, and play the game and finish. if you luck enough you'll get the prize if you don't you just get tired.. like me ahahaha. -.-"

The most disappointing  point about this quiz probably, its all artificial. why would i said this is artificial? because
1. they already have one person to be the winner. yeah.. they already have one celebrities to win the prize, which is unfair to my opinion.
2. they actually never play the show as how it has to be. I mean, they can cut several process just to fit the time schedule. for example if there's one person whose take too many time in one trading part, then probably.. other will loose their chance to be chosen in next trading process (because they running out of time).
3. they force us to sign a document which generally state that: you can't protest if the shows runs differently from the first deal. or. they can really chance anything according to their needs and you can't complain.

sucks isn't it?

well , we never really get nothing didn't we?.

so after one random day in television studio, at least i got several lesson and the most important lesson to be shared would be:

Don't trust anything on television even if its categorized as reality show!
nothing real on tv.

haha :P

22 Sep 2011


coming soon .. >:)

12 Sep 2011

#1: The Randomness of Pempek

Random things could really happen to me if I were bored. And when boredom meets one sudden crazy idea which suddenly flies above my head, then random things could suddenly happen. Its like when I suddenly went to Jakarta to do some kind of tv show audition (yes I know.. that is so freakin crazy and also embarissing) or when I drive my motorcycle to ciwidey with Erwin-the-bule-guy in my back seat (well, in this situation, I often switch with kak didit for some condition), and this next writing is going to be my randomness with pempek

One day I had this freakin' boring situation, a completely boring time.when everyone at the office has gone, there’s only me who left, it was 5 pm and suddenly I mind was flown into one memories in cimanggis (my pals house's) where at that time, my friend’s mothers who already back from wedding ceremonial, serves us a complete series of original palembang’s pempek unlimited!! Yes unlimited beyb!!. But the worse part is my stomach was already full, I didn’t have the chance to grab as many pempek as possible , but only small amount of it, but the taste is remain. It was.. the most delicious pempek ever!!  (and originally from Palembang!)

And after I past several super fast flashback moments (halah) , suddenly the crazy idea come up and unavoidable: I should really eat that originale pempek again! No matter what ever it takes!

Several ways to make my crazy idea come true, comes up in every braches of my brain cells ( Ok.. this is too much) those several idea are:
1.    Trying to call yosi –the most qualified Palembangnesee I’ve ever know--, if probably she has a chance to come to Bandung, but after I think again.. yosi is actually in Taiwan right now. So it’s not possible for her to just come up to Bandung to just buy me a pempek -> Failed
2.    Asks Zul!. Zul is actually my  new office mate, from the way he moves, I thinks he’s some kind of Sumatran and He is. But the bad thing is he’s not from Palembang, He’s from Riau, I’ve try to forced him (haha) to buy me pempek, but it’s not possible because it’s to far away.-->literally Failed
3.    Asks Ester, but she’s from medan, okey then, she’ll be in Jakarta at some times in September so I’ll asked her to buy me bolu meranti ! ->Become Plan B.
4.    Last and Desperately not least asks random person whom satus was always in palembangs in facebook to bring me some original pempek -> errr 50:50 possibility

Yah yah.. I know some of you probably think that I am totally out of my mind. Well I do think so. But this pempek things has totally driving me crazy!. So in one random night I send him a messege, asks if he’s really palembangnesee, will he return to Palembang in this Ied bIa..bla..blaa yes bla..bla..bla.. asks him if he mind if I want to buy the original pempek from him bla..bla..bla.., I also explain to him that I understand this pempek things should be sounds crazy to him since we haven’t know each other and bla bla bla.. and then he answer bla bla bla.. yes from Palembang.. bla bla bla.. but not directly from Palembang.. (err.. too bad) bla..bla.. bla.. I also asked yosi where she usually buy pempek for souvenirs. She mentions several places but the places that she mentions is not available in this guy place, but yosi convinced me that every pempek in Palembang is delicious. And I trust her, and so I told this guy to just buy anything that he think the most recommended pempek and I’ll buy it from him. and deal.

2 weeks later..

1 messeage received...

 I know I know.. many negative thought should comes up in your head right know, what if he doesn’t wants to, What if this guy is a liar, what if he’ll stole my money, what if he put something on the pempek that can make you stomachache, and all the negative ‘what if’ probability which probably  could happen during the process. I realize perfectly that worst things could really happen. But every decision will always have its own consequences right? So if one (or more) of those negative consequences happen, I won’t sorry to myself, because I already realize the consequences,  I know this is so freakin’ gambling situation, and if I failed, then I’ll just laugh..

Luckily I suceed hahaha!

Tulisan ini adalah tulisan wajib setiap hari selama saya menunggu waktu test TOEFL saya. merupakan bagian latihan menulis bahasa inggris. setiap tulisan akan membahas suatu tema. satu post akan  berisi minimal 3 paragraf. setiap tulisan akan saya coba kirim kan pada editor yang mengerti grammar, semoga hasilnya bisa membawa saya ke Belanda (amin!)

9 Sep 2011

Enjoy being stupid

Yes. i won't guessing again right now, i'm falling in love now, yes.. shit happen finally  :))
i was blogwalking today and found this statement that ensuring me that i am falling in love right now

you cannot fall in love without immediately become stupid
 (ikram putra)

i was going to deny again and wait several time to do several research about this feeling but i think i already lose at the first time i read the statement so. I'm going to make it clear again:
Yes. I am falling in love and being stupid right now


30 Agu 2011

Friend of mine

Fiday August 26, 2011. 4.01 pm

Hi Mei, how are you doing over there? ;-P Just a few days to go till the big party right? :-):-) 

I never know that such 'Hi!' could turn my crappy holiday even better than i expected. I know.. I know.. I probably too much. but the truth is i'm glad he sending me a message. He's far away from us now, very far away!, but he promised us to come back soon, to have a snorkeling together. would he kept his promise? well i don't know.

He's probably the nicest guy I've ever met. A guy without Blackberry or Android, or other smart-asses phone that surely will steal every person attention and makes you invisible in every conversation. He will surely looked you in the eyes while talking, pay you a dinner (+1) and will try to understand you even though it is so hard for him to understand your story (+2) :)). even though  he's not as good looking as Jason Mraz, but he's so funny that can make you comfortable while being around him.

One day he asked me to join the trip to the beach with some other friends of us, but i canceled since my moms didn't give me a permission because at that time the schedule was at the same time as the family meeting time, here in my house. i apology him, he insist that i should really come even he would help me to wash the dishes, sweet isn't it?!

Anyway, time flies and a 'hello' will always end up with 'goodbye'. our togetherness probably only a small single dot in mine or yours timeline, but memories will remains. So Long Friend! i hope we'll meet again someday, here, there or everywhere.

28 Agu 2011

My Little Sister

This is my little sister you can call her Apela

she's 4 and she can't stop talking, 

her best friend called 'anak manis' was always on her side

anak manis is a very good friend of her, he always accompany her everytime she..



and so on..

One day she's going to Jakarta follow her parents to check their new house.
the rumah jabung suddenly very quite
seeing her stuff in every corner of my house..

 i think i'll miss her too much, when she's totally moves from our house.

14 Agu 2011

Sedikit Kesan Tentang Madre

Ditengah malam minggu super random yang saya alami bersama seorang teman yang akan pergi jauh itu, seorang teman lainnya kemudian datang dan menghampiri, katanya sih mau perpisahan gitu, say goodbye, last word, last dinner, dan beberapa last-last lainnya yang bisa aja mengundang dramatic events. sebelum benar-benar berpisah, kami menyempatkan ke toko buku, kata si teman yang baru datang itu  : "mau beli kado buat ponakan yang ulang taun besok", jadilah kami ramai-ramai ke toko buku. Disitu agak awkward, antara pengen buruan beres dan nggak pengen buruan beres, antara mikirn parkiran yang bisa aja udah mau tutup dan mikirin: kayaknya harus foto dulu untuk terakhir kalinya. ditengah ke awkward-an yang saya coba netralisir, tiba-tiba saya liat madre, buku terbaru Dee yang rencananya akan saya beli di Togamas mengingat harganya akan 30% *mungkin* lebih murah dari pada di gunung agung, tapi setelah di pikir-pikir ongkos ke Togamas mungkin akan sama dengan 30% yang saya bayar lebih mahal disini. jadi saya beli lah si madre ini:

Dan membereskannya kurang dari 48 jam :))

Sperti biasa Dee selalu memukau , membaca madre kita diajak menjadi dewasa dalam tutur kata yang sederhana dan tidak menggurui (bagian ini adalah yang paling penting yang harus dipunyai seorang penulis, menurut saya) dan karena saya merasa saya tidak bisa sesederhana Dee dalam menggambarkan sebuah 'rasa' maka, kesan kesan saya terhadap madre akan saya tulis dalam bentuk 5 point:

  • menurut menunggu layang-layang: Hati layaknya sebuah puzzle hanya bisa di penuhi oleh potongan puzzle yang pas. seberapa pun usaha mu untuk menambal kekosongan dari potongan yang hilang, yang kosong itu tetaplah akan kosong dan hanya akan terlengkapi oleh satu potong yang hilang itu.
  • membaca sosok pak hadi dalam madre: mengingatkan saya pada joni blak-blakan tapi yang ini lebih tengil
  • saya paling suka ketika dee mendeskipsikan suatu 'dissapoitment expectation'  dalam Guruji seperti ini: kamu tau nggak gimana rasanya ketika kamu mati matian mencari sesuatu, namun saat kamu sudah berada di hadapannya, kamu pun masih tidak bisa menemukan sesuatu yang kamu cari itu? 
  • sesuatu tentang kegamangan yang menyadarkan dalam have you ever ? yang dituangkan dalam perdebatan sederhana antara Howie dan Darma -btw- saya lupa detailnya tapi kira-kira gini: " how do I know the answer if you yourself also do not know what the question?
  • masih dalam have you ever?, saya suka banget ketika kegelisihan seorang Howie terhadap perubahan yang mungkin akan berdampak buruk bagi hidupnya sekarang, atau ketakutan semu terhadap sesuatu seperti 'takut keliatan begok', dipatahkan oleh Darma dengan telak melalui statementnya: "just laugh!"

akhirkata, -ngutip kalimat pertama dalam paragraf yang mirip kata pengantar- 

“…Hidup adalah proses bertanya. Jawaban hanyalah persinggahan dinamis yang bisa berubah seiring dengan berkembangnya pemahaman kita.”


5 Agu 2011

Arkanna Danish Firdaus

Officially miss this little cute monster man
if you seeing him please call..
*you know my number*


Hidup harus terus berjalan, konsekwensi dari perjalanan adalah meninggalkan atau ditinggalkan.
Dan satu-satu nya yang pasti di dunia ini hanyalah mati.

Alm. Eni
Lebaran kali ini sepertinya akan sangat berbeda, lebih sepi. Mungkin ia. wanita yang difoto ini adalah Eni, nenek saya. Nenek kami tercinta telah pergi, mendahului kami semua. lebaran ini pastinya sambal goreng super enak buatannya nggak akan bisa kami rasakan lagi. Nenek kami sudah benar-benar pulang atau melanjutkan perjalanannya sebagai mahluk  baru di alam yang benar-benar beda dengan kami saat ini. mungkin.

Sedih sudah pasti. Namun terlebih lagi selalu ada ‘moment of silent’ yang rasanya seperti waktu yang behenti sejenak setiap kali saya mendengar kabar kematian.

Bagi saya, manusia atau mahkluk lain yang bernyawa tidak akan pernah benar-benar mati. mereka hanya pergi, melanjutkan perjalanan, selesai urusan di alam yang satu, dan melanjutkan kehidupan dialam lainnya tanpa ingat lagi apa yang sudah terjadi dialam sebelumnya. Nenek saya, setidaknya sudah mengalami kehidupan di dua alam, Alam rahim, waktu ia dikandung uyut saya, alam dunia diamana melalui rahimnya lahir ibu saya dan tante-tante serta om-om saya. Dan sekarang dia sudah berada di alam yang ke-tiga: alam kubur yang saya belum tau kayak mana bentuknya. Tapi suatu hari nanti pasti tau. Pasti.

Hidup sepertinya memang sebuah perjalanan. Perjalanan untuk kembali pulang ke rumah-Nya. Oleh sebab itu filosofi hidup seorang muslim adalah: hidup untuk ibadah, ibadah adalah bekal untuk perjalanan  menuju  'RumahNya'. Konon katanya seorang muslim yang keimanannya sudah mencapai level tertinggi akan selalu merindukan mati, bukan karena dia ingin mengakhiri hdiup dunia yang penuh dengan nikmat dan dosa. Tapi terlebih karena sudah terlalu rindu dengan 'Rumah', dan ingin segera bertemu dengan Sang Pencipta, Allah SWT.
Dan saya merasa bersyukur dilahirkan sebagai muslim.

Pergi memang selalu terasa memilukan, seperti mandi air dingin digelapnya subuh yang selalu bikin mual. terlebih bagi yang ditinggalkan. hari itu semua orang tercengang sebelum akhirnya menitikan air mata. masih tidak percaya kalau eni kami memang sudah benar-benar pergi. Ada sesal yang menyesak ketika mengetahui bahwa kesempatan saya bertemu eni hanya pada saat pemakamannya. Ya. saya menyesal kenapa tidak bisa meluangkan satu waktu untuk menemuinya diwaktu senggang itu.

Saya berbicara terakhir kali dengannya 3 hari sebelum dia pergi, tanpa saya menyadarinya percakapan singkat itu nyatanya adalah pesan dan doa terakhirnya pada saya sebelum ia benar-benar pergi.

   “ni!!, maafin ita ya, belum sempet nengokin eni, eni yang sabar yahhhh, cepet sembuh ni…”

   “ neng ita, apa kabar sayang?, iah gapapa makasih ya sayang, neng ita.. sing cepet dapet kerja yang 
    tetap yah.. dapet jodoh yang baik, sing cita-citanya terkabul sayang”

   “makasih eni, eni yang sehat yaaa, minggu depan aku kesana”

   “ iah, amin, makasih sayang”

   “oke ni.. teleponnya aku kasi lagi ke mama yaa”

Dan minggu depan pun saya kesana, mengantarnya benar-benar pergi.

Untuk Eni:
Ni.., Selamat Jalan, saya bahagia karena akhirnya eni terbebas dari rasa sakit yang selama ini menyiksa eni. Semoga nanti kita dipertemukan lagi di ‘Rumah'
aku sayang eni.


25 Jul 2011

DayDreaming #1

Day Dreaming #1

Pengen punya rumah di pinggir pantai
*oseanografer banget yakk*

Bersuamikan seorang Arsitek handal *amin*
dan memiliki 4 orang yang meramaikan rumah idaman diatas *amin*


Amin Amin! 

image taken from http://ninelongnights.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/beach1.jpg

15 Jul 2011

These are the days :)

These are the days that I've been missing

Give me the taste give me the joy of summer wine
These are the days that bring new meaning
I feel the stillness of the sun and I feel fine
Sometimes when the nights are closing early
I remember you and I start to smile
Even though now you don't want to know me
I get on by, and I go the extra mile

These are the times of love and meaning
Ice of the heart melted away and found the light
These are the days of endless dreaming
Troubles of life are floating away like a bird in flight

These are the days
These are the days
These are the days

I thought you said our love would last forever
Believing that the tears would end for good
I told you that we'd get through any weather
Maybe that didn't work out
But we did the best we could

These are the days that I've been missing
Give me the taste give me the joy of summer wine
These are the days that bring new meaning
I feel the stillness of the sun and I feel fine


Jamie Cullum, These Are the days

21 Jun 2011

Like A Tsunami

Hi there.. a new post here.

its been a while.. how are you there? hope everything's under control for you guys.. haha!
this post could be just another junk of mine.. another contemplation.. that maybe wouldn't interesting to some people so i suggest you to stop reading and get back to work.. :)) 

but if you insist.. i shall continue. 

the first update of me could be.. 
I'm 25 now *crapp!*
Its time to really move on and decide what will you do to fill the next 25 *damn!*. no more joking, no more curiosity to the crap things just to fullfill your just-want-to-know behavior, no more stupid trial-and-error activity, and started to put all your unnecessary things to the box and label it as "won't look back things".

the second update was..

i haven't decide yet! *yeah..right..-__-"*

in my 25 still have many things to make me.. works. i mean i want it to be useful to everybody in my life. i still want to be an oceanographer, sometimes want to be a teacher, i still consider to be a freelance designer or a book illustrator, i am someone who are eager to learn everything about everything!. but the fact is I can't be everything! nobody could be extremely good at everything, but you can excellence at one thing.

this oceanography things. i started to love and love it very much.. i started to look at it with a different way. how come? well at the beginning, since i already finish my bachelor degree, i stared to meet a problem that.. my knowledge are actually very rare in this archipelago country pathetic isn't it?, nobody knows oceanography, nobody care.., i cant even find a single company who looked for an oceanographer to be hired.. I've been unemployee for almost 9 month (if i were pregnant at that time, then I should have a baby now -___-"). it really frustated to know that this certificate of bachelor degree are completely useless and i stared to consider about suicide *naaahh!!!! i'm joking* :))

but then. the opportunity from Labmath indonesia finally come. i worked here.. totally research! which lately.. i realized that i enjoy this research thing very much!.. i meet many expert from inside an abroad. i learn so much from them and its really nice.. to meet people with same interests. i become to love numerical modelling and programming, and everything. my boss *a real dutch* was a kind and fair person. he's deep into the research and really responsible to what he does. one of his words that i remember the most was:

We are researcher! we have to be responsible for everything we do!

All this kind of joy, maybe i couldnt find it in any places. but i cant stay here forever also. 

Live has to move on

its been a year now. and i stared to ask about my next period, does they would longer my contract or how? because i need clarity.. *halah*. yeah nobody wants to be in this unstable period anyway.. and then... the opportunity starts to come over... 

Like A Tsunami

*yeah i finally come to the theme of this post*

and the point is.... i wont tell  the point now.. because it still a mystery :)) i'll tell you later after i decide whats best okey! 

Dont blame me because i haven't finish my story yet.. I have told you before :))

to be continued..

*sorry for my bad English.. still improving it to do the famous TOEFL test :)) 

16 Mei 2011

Everybody loves Gasibu!

Last Sunday, me and my friend went to Gasibu to buy some hijab stuff which i and her thinks that the price could be cheaper than in other place. so we went there and spent some money for you know.. girls-cant-hide activity: Shopping >:)

And with only IDR 115.00 Look what I've found:

 1. Old Navy men shirt IDR. 30.000,-

2. Old Navy Casual Shirt for women IDR. 35.000,-

3. Cardigan-Like Shirt  IDR 40.000,-

4. Fancy Little Glasses for only IDR 10.000,-

I really can get this 4 stuff less than IDR 150.000., so if Jakartans too much in love with Bandung's Factory Outlet, then The Real Bandung would prefer to spent their money in Gasibu 

*Thanks to Ernesto the 50D for helping me taking those picture :D

Minggu Pagi di Victoria Park

Last night i was working overtime, at home,-ya i know it was Sunday night so I should not sleep too late, to prepare the Monday-. i was working alone at my home accompanied only with TV. i watched RCTI and they play this movie. At the first time i saw this movie, i thought this is some kind of Chinese movie, because some of the conversation are played in Chinese, but then i saw a few familiar faces and then i realized : this is Indonesian movie. Ok, this getting interesting, i said to my self. and later i know that the title was: Minggu Pagi di Victorian Park.

This Movie tells about Mayang (Lola Amaria) whose have to go to Hong Kong to be an Indonesian woman workers as a housemaid. she don't want to be a housemaid actually, but because of she has to find Sekar (Titi Sjuman), whose missing for almost 2 years in her way to be an Indonesian woman workers. Mayang and her skeptical mind, has to living the life that she doesn't want to, just because she's too dear her mother whose worrying her other daughter. In opposite, she hates her sister because her father keep comparing her beauty, talent, and her achievement with her sister. 

In her way finding her sister, the skeptical Mayang experienced many events which sensed her that: she's not the only one whom life is terrible.I love the way her friend (Imelda Soraya) * I forgot her name* yelled her when Mayang keep her stone heart because she was upset because everybody knows she is Sekar's sister. She yelled to Mayang to Stop playing as a victim, because everybody has their own problem. >:)

This movie is very interesting because its conflict is touching the issue around the violence that has to be faced by the Indonesian worker, the happiness and sadness about being an Indonesian woman workers. In their country they are regarded as heroes of foreign exchange, but actually, they faced many problem such as bad manager violence, loans with its high interest,  etc. but behind all of the struggle of all those kind of problem, they are trying to strength each other because they are Indonesians whose living and struggling in the same circumstance in other country. In Hong Kong, the Indonesian workers are frequently gathers in one place, they share, they laugh and they strength each other in a place called The Victorian Park.

Beside the Indonesian woman workers issue, this movies also rise the issue about family which   is soo Indonesian.  the scene, the conversation, the story line are very touching and successfully played my emotion. i rate this movie 8/10. its a must seen movie. no junk! :) 

26 Apr 2011


Hoping is like believing that, the stars will always shine without helped from other lighting source. 
and its very logic!
When everything seems to be stupid and useless, and all your expectation seems to never find its end 
* eventhough statistics says the probability is near  to zero*  
all you need is hope and believe that the chance still remains, there.


everything is relative and unpredictable.
God works in myterious way.

image from here